
Price for Immigration Services | Visa & Law office



Price Listprivacy policy


Standard costs are listed below. Costs may vary according to the client’s request, the contents and the degree of difficulty of the issue. After examining the contents of our client’s commission, we will provide a clear estimate to eliminate any worries from our client’s side. As for committing a matter to us or not, you will not necessarily have to decide immediately. It is also acceptable if you would like to take some time to consider based on the advice by an administrative scrivener and estimate.

Affairs relating to immigration and residence for foreigners

■ Procedures to invite foreigners from overseas to Japan
Application for Certificate of Eligibility  \130,000〜
Application for Certificate of Eligibility(Investor / Business Manager)  \210,000〜

■ Modifying residential qualifications
Application for Change of Status of Residence  \120,000〜
Application for Change of Status of Residence(Change to Investor / Business Manager)  \180,000〜
Application for Permanent Residency \150,000

■ Updating residential qualifications
Application for Extension of Period of Stay  \59,000
Application for Extension of Period of Stay
(In case of changed circumstances such as a career move)

■ Miscellaneous procedures
Application for Temporary Work Permission  \120,000
Application for Certificate of Authorized Employment \59,000
Application for Certificate of Authorized Employment
(In case of changed circumstances such as a career move)

Expense for business travel

■ Travel Expenses
In Sendai-City ( or less than 20km round trip) Free
Aomori・Akita・Iwate・Yamagata・Miyagi・Fukushima Round-trip transportation fees

■ Daily Allowance
In Sendai-City(or less than 1 hour round trip) Free
Aomori・Akita・Iwate・Yamagata・Miyagi・Fukushima  \4,000 / Hour

Sendai Forest Visa & Law office

 Phone: (022) 343-6025
 Fax: (022)343-6026
 Mail: info@sendai-visa.com  
 1-8-28 Saneikimachidori Bld.3F,
 Kimachidori, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi,
 980-0801, JAPAN