
Consulation and flow of our service|Visa & Law



Consultation and flow of our serviceprivacy policy

Please feel free to contact us.

STEP 1. Contact and consultation( Click here to contact

 ■ Please let us examine the contents of your case by phone or e-mail.

STEP 2. Consultation

 ■ Our administrative scrivener will contact you by phone or e-mail.
 ■ At your request, we will set up an appointment. Regarding applications, detailed examination and agreements are held in advance.
  *Our services cover all of the Tohoku areas; business trips are offered free of charge inside Sendai City, and for others. 

STEP 3. Contract

 ■ At commission, we exchange a written contract. If you live far away, we can also send it by mail.
 ■ Charge should be paid on that day or later, in cash or through a bank transfer.

STEP 4. Drawing up documents for application

 ■ We draw up applications. You should submit requisite materials to us.

STEP 5. Application

 ■ After the applications are completed and submitted to an immigration bureau and we will inform you your registration number.
 ■ In some circumstances, we might ask you to prepare more requisite materials for submission.

STEP 6. Result of your application and return of documents entrusted to us, and others

 ■ When we are informed by the immigration bureau, we will contact you.
 ■ We will report the result of the application and return documents entrusted to us personally or by registered mail.

Sendai Forest Visa & Law office

 Phone: (022) 343-6025
 Fax: (022)343-6026
 Mail: info@sendai-visa.com  
 1-8-28 saneikimachidori Bld.3F,
 Kimachidori, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi,
 980-0801, JAPAN