
Immigration Lawyer Profiles|Visa & Law office, Sendai



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-River Thames, from Richmond hill-


  • Graduated from Graduate School of Omiya Law School, majoring in the study of Judicial Affairs as Doctor of Juricial Affairs
  • Passed the national examination and registered as an administrative scrivener
  • Worked at a law firm belonging to Sendai Lawyers’ Association
  • Established Sendai Reterasu Judicial Affairs Administrative Scrivener’s Firm
  • Acquired permission as a commission agency of application businesses by the Director of Sendai Local Immigration Bureau, the Ministry of Justice
  • Worked as a consultant for Civil Counseling Room at Aoba Ward Office in Sendai
  • CEO of Sendai Forest International Bridge Co.
  • Executive Officer of Kimira House Inc.

Interests, Special Qualifications, Field of Law

■ Interests

Photograph, Camping, Driving, Historical travel、Eating tour

■ Field of Law

・Immigration Control and Refugee Recognition Act
・The Constitution of Japan
・Administrative Procedure Act
・Administrative Appeal Act
・Administrative Case Litigation Act
・Corporation Law
・Labor Contract Act
・Labor Standards Act
・Labor Union Act
・Criminal Law
・Code of Criminal Procedure
・Civil Law
・Code of Civil Procedure

Passion for Work

As for me, it was my junior high school days when I first lived as a “foreigner” overseas. I still recall those days in my memory when I had a lot of difficulties caused by the differences of the language and culture. However, especially in that kind of the situation, some incidents when some people were kind to me were deeply carved in my heart.

One autumn day after school, I was waiting under a tree for a sudden downpour to stop. I was in trouble at that time. Then, one of my classmates, Jamie came walking toward me to share his umbrella. He was also a shy boy as much as I since I did not have enough communicative skills in their language.Without a word, he kept holding his umbrella for us until my parent came to pick me up. I heartily thought that he was a very nice person while feeling happy and sorry for him at the same time.  

This experience might seem a quite humble and simple incident for others, however, it has turned out to establish the very starting point for me to run an international business.
We understand that living abroad as a non-native resident itself carries a great difficulty. We admit that in reality there are still so many cases where excessive requirements are imposed on foreign residents in Japan.
Bearing in mind that I hope to become a “Jamie” in my country, I keep making special efforts day by day and put my heart and soul into my occupation as an administrative scrivener as well as an ordinary Japanese citizen.

Sendai Forest Visa & Law office

 1-8-28 Sanei-Kimachidori Bld.3F,
 Kimachidori, Aoba-ku, Sendai, Miyagi,
 980-0801, JAPAN

Phone: (022) 343-6025
FAX: (022)343-6026
Mail: info@sendai-visa.com